We are going to go over fashion blog and beauty best sellers of the week on LTK. Shop the feed here.
What Is LTK?
I want to take a min to address what LTK is and why it benefits you. Its a fashion blog app.
It is a shopping app that is exclusive to bloggers and social media consistent posters.
I am reluctant to use the term influencer because it is such a buzz word now.
A true influencer helps influence your buying choices. They are generally a person online that brings certain products to life.
They educate us on what products are how they would benefit our lives. You have to apply to be a creator for LTK.
Why It Benefits You…
Because you are getting access to creators that create trends. The creators in LTK have proved themselves with their discipline with posting and education online. Its a fashion blog within a app.
The creators in LTK can be trusted. The other massive benefit is you are saving so much time. It is a fashion blog in a app.
Shopping online can be so overwhelming. Shopping LTK can be enjoyable and your going to find what you need.
Top Searches In LTK This Week..
Valentines Day. Valentines Day Outfits. Vacation Outfits. Jeans.
Interesting! Or maybe that is the internet nerd in me. LOL.
Ok that is the top over all, now I’m gonna share what is the top clicks in my store. Chances are with the way the internet works you have similar interests as me. Thanks for being here, I appreciate you!
What’s In My Cart This Week As A Beauty And Fashion Blogger
Beauty Products

In need to do a jean haul! Watch for that coming soon. I want these from Abercrombie.
Ok, have a great weekend!
Brandi Sharp
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