Everything you want is on the other side of your daily routine.
All beautiful women have one thing in common and its beauty routines.
Where you spend your time shows up in spades in your life.
I will never forget a message I got in Facebook messenger and it was from a women who said you look amazing everyday. My quick response was that I was trained. I come from salon life where you had to be the best version of yourself so you could quickly build trust with your client that you could also take her to her best version…fast.
We all need inspiration to get us to desire another level of lifestyle.
But inspiration is not enough, there is a gap that no one is talking about. Its your daily routines. Every thing you want is in your daily routine. Every thing you do during the day matters and accumulates. That’s why you have to stop mindlessly spending your days. Get intentional about your beauty routines.
Beauty is a skill set. Its is a reflection of choices. Beauty has a pattern and it can be learned and cultivated. My authority comes from working in beauty salons for over 13 years. Everything has a pattern and it can be learned.
I’m going to help you get your daily and weekly routines down so beauty has no choice but to show up in your life. Beauty is a reflection of your daily patterns and priorities.
What should be my beauty routine?
Everything matters. Your hair skin and nails. Your diet and fitness. It can get overwhelming to know where to start. So I’m going to tell you where you should start. Your clothing. Why, it will create the quickest change. Quick change brings results. Go buy a very nice pair of jeans and shoes. Make sure they fit to perfection. Stop waiting to spend money when you lose weight, this is a huge beauty mistake.
Stop waiting to take care of yourself. Taking care of your self does cost money. You have it and you should spend money on looking nice. You care that is why you are here.
Start walking every single day and have a beautiful workout outfit that is comfortable and attractive. Start buying outfits that you love the way they look and that fit great.
Get dressed every single day wearing clothing you like and enjoy. Start enjoying beauty TODAY!!! Dont wait. If you are waiting I want you to understand you are making excuses, and you need to work through them by taking personal responsibility.
You have deep beliefs around taking care of yourself and most of them include….WHEN!!!
When I lose weight…
When I make more money….
When I get…
Taking care of yourself starts today. We are going to nail down these routines together.
What are the 5 most important steps to a beauty routine?
Your clothing picks
Your skin care and spf
Walking daily and nutrition
Makeup, nails and lashes
Beauty is cultivated and small habits create a beautiful result.
We are going on this journey together and I cant wait to share my top secrets and help you unlock your own personal beauty routines that make you feel amazing every single day. Everything we do matters and Im going to coach you along and really help you cultivate your perfect routines.
What holds you back from taking care of yourself and expressing beauty? Let me get to know you in the comments.
Brandi Sharp
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