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3 Easy Home Décor Living Room Ideas That Transform The Space

October 18, 2023

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4 Easy Home Décor Living Room Ideas That Transform The Space

My Living room is very small, and I will say making a small space beautiful is easy. If you have a small living room or a nook in your home your wanting to get inspired, Im going to share with you three easy things you can do today to transform your small living room.

If you have a small space don’t get discouraged, get inspired. Its actually easier to create beauty in a small space than a large one. Its just less overwhelming. Lets just get right into my top suggestions that quickly transform a space.

#1 Is The Couch

I ended up getting a incredibly simple, neutral couch that doesn’t have that many cushions. It looks clean and modern and I can change the pillows every season. It made the space more neutral so I can change things like pillows and throws when I’m in the mood to change my décor or color scheme.

#2 Is The Light Fixture

The light fixture completely changed the vibe of the room for under two hundred dollars. It elevated everything. Changing your light fixture to match the aesthetic your going for gets you there much faster than a full blown remodel. My husband was my biggest critic when it came to the gold chandelier and now he loves it!

#3 The Large Picture Frames

This made my life so much easier and more beautiful. I heard in a Tiktok video from a small space designer that large frames make the room look elegant and bigger. Mine are 11x14s. Before I was doing all these small nick knacks and I hated the outcomes. I was overwhelmed and felt stuck. I now can easily change the slides in these to the season. I love it.

#4 Plants

I’m obsessed with indoor plants and how they elevate the home! Plants have been such a easy way to decorate and fill the space with beauty without nick knacks. Can you tell I don’t like Knick Knacks? LOL.

Last year I accidently put fertilizer in my indoor plants and they all died with in a week. It was horrible. I realized how much I loved them for decor. They are so beautiful and simple. Consider them!

Pathos are my absolute favorite plant for decor. They are beautiful and fill in every space beautifully. They keep growing and don’t need much care. In fact they do really well being left alone. Lesson learned. I became so attached to them as they grew in my home! I will be blogging more about them because they are easy and beautiful.

I hope this helped you get inspiration for your home!


Brandi Sharp

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