
Meet Beauty And Fashion Blogger Brandi Sharp

Beauty and fashion blogger brandi sharp

March 13, 2023

I’m Claire.
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Brandi Sharp Beauty and Fashion Blogger
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Why I Started Beauty Blogging…

I genuinely love products and beauty techniques. I loved every minuet of salon life. The smells, the beauty, the access to the absolute best products. I was in the salon for 13 years!

I was also surrounded by people who also appreciated those things. Beauty professionals love what they do. It was such a inspiring environment. People you were surrounded by cultivated the best out of you and the environment.

Leaving the salon was difficult for me because I left like minds. That was the hardest part for me. To be honest it still is hard on me. I love my craft and finding people who appreciate it! Being out of the safety of the salon has been wild ride. And it actually brought a deep grief I didn’t expect.

I started to move my skills online in 2016 after my second baby Tristan was born. I knew after he was born I was going to want to be home 90 percent of the time with my kids.

After Tristan was born I bought my first online marketing course and seen the vison and started sharing and just never stopped. Let me mention I ended up having two more kids with my handsome Lineman. We now have four children total.

Becoming a online creator has stretched me in ways I didn’t know were possible. Being unapologetic about what you have to offer is one of the hardest things to cultivate. But it is absolutely essential to online identity. You constantly have to reiterate what you can help people with and its is a skill set you have to master.

Beauty blogging and vlogging is such a passion for me and just a true love. It is crazy to think a person sits and writes about the best concealer and brushes and is sooooo happy!

That’s me.

Or when I find the perfect pair of skinny jeans.

That’s me.

Or when I find the absolute best smelling shampoo and conditioner!

That’s me.

LOL. Searching through amazon and reading the reviews and trying new products and sharing about what I found.

Thats me!

I have shared content on all platforms and the blog is absolutely essential for permanent content creation. It is kind of the home base and the social media is the cars, we come back and park the cars at home!

Welcome! So glad your here! Smash Follow On My LTK!


Brandi Sharp

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